Some of our - Keepers of Dreams
Program Statement
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Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
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Ages, Services & Rates

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 Child’s Paradise has entered the Canada-Wide Early Years and Child Care (CWELCC) System. 



Child’s Paradise has entered the Canada-Wide Early Years and Child Care (CWELCC) System. 


Up to 6 years of age (CWELLC):



BASE RATE (Base Day 7-4:30)

APRIL 1-Dec 31, 2022 (Base Day 7:00-4:30)

Jan 1-Dec 31, 2023 (Base Day 7:00-4:30)

Toddler (underage)

12-18 months





18-30 months





2.5-5 years old




Kindergarten day

3.8yo up to 6th BDay




School Readiness (9:15-2:45) upon availability

2.5-5 years old




School-Age day

Up to 6th BDay




Before & After School

Up to 6th BDay




Before School Only

Up to 6th BDay




After School Only

Up to 6th BDay





6-12 years of age:



BASE RATE (Base Day 7-4:30)

School-Age day

6-12 years old


Before & After School

6-12 years old


Before School Only

6-12 years old


After School Only

6-12 years old



All Ages:




Extended Care

6:15am-7:00am & 4:30pm-5:45pm

$1.50/half hour (or part thereof)


General Attendance and Billing Guidelines:

·        PARENTS agree to give two (2) weeks’ notice of intention to take vacation and agree to pay the CENTRE the agreed-to-fees for the time their family is on vacation to retain a childcare space for their CHILD

·        Both parties agree to give two (2) week written notice to the respective party should either the PARENT or the CENTRE decide to terminate this agreement. If two weeks written notice is not provided, the PARENT will be responsible for paying the fees in absence of notice or a portion thereof and the CENTRE agrees to reimburse the PARENT for already paid services of the same.

·        Both parties agree that if other arrangements are made for childcare during time when the CHILD is scheduled to be cared for at the CENTRE, the PARENTS will pay for the service regardless of whether the child attended Child’s Paradise Daycare Centre.

·        One month deposit will be required upon enrolment, which is applied to the final bill upon notice of withdrawal/termination of childcare space.

·        Children in Before&After School Programs will be expected to attend and/or be billed for Full-Day Program on Off-School Days and days in which buses are not running (if/when permitted according to Ministry of Education), except when specified on Registration Paperwork.

·        Invoices are sent at the beginning of each month for the entire month and are due by the 21st of the Month. Non-payment will result is cancellation of the childcare space.

·        All Holidays are charged based on scheduled attendance for that day.

Requesting Changes:

·        If increases to these predetermined hours/days of care are required, parents may make a verbal (Note-written request in advance is required for subsidy approval) or written request to use additional childcare. If space allows (and approval is granted) the child will be permitted to attend.

·        Decreases to these predetermined hours/days of care must be requested with 2 weeks notice and are considered permanent. If decrease is approved, future increased attendance may not be available. If 2 weeks written notice is not provided, the child will be considered absent/on vacation and will be billed per scheduled attendance.

·        Any changes with regards to fees, hours of care, terms of care and/or billing must be made with two (2) weeks’ notice by the CENTRE and the PARENTS. 

·        Billing for additional days/hours used beyond the predetermined days/hours and Extended Care Hours will be charged in the first bill of the next month. 

·        Any permanent changes to attendance will require a revision on the Childcare Contract to be completed.