School-Age Summer 2011
Working with clay
Working with clay
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu

Supervisor Designate

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 There will be a Acting Supervisor always assigned when the Regular Supervisor of the Centre is unavailable or off-site/absent. The Acting Supervisor can make official decisions on behalf of the Regular Supervisor of the Centre.

The Childcare Supervisor / Acting Director will be trained and have knowledge in respect to: 

  • the steps involved in the event of a Serious Occurrence
  • answering questions regarding Policies of the Centre, childcare rates, hours of operation, etc...
  • notifying all parents of communicable diseases by posting on main bulletin board
  • evaluating child wellness and notifying parents of child illness/need to pick-up
  • helping to arrange supply staff in the event of staff illness/absence, in order to maintain ratios within the Programs

As of Sept 2022:

Childcare Administrator: Marcinda Pinsent

Childcare Supervisor: Jeannie Hiderman

1st Acting Supervisor: Valerie Parsons

2nd Acting Supervisor: Brenda McLellan

If all Supervisors and Administrator are off-site, an Alternate Acting Supervisor Designate will be assigned to make decisions in a timely manner, and all staff will be aware of who this person is.