Whipped colour mixing
Whipped colour mixing
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
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 Information that is disclosed to the Centre regarding children and families is considered confidential. Request for any such information is to be referred to the Supervisor. The Centre may release information regarding a child or his/her family, without parental consent to officials of the Courts (following a warrant or a court order); authorities vested in provincial or federal statutes; the office of the Ombudsman; the Coroner Office; the Ministry of Community and Social Services; the Children Aid Society; and Ministers and officials to whom he/she has delegated authority.

A child record is considered privileged and confidential.

·        The child and family right to privacy is recognized & protected to the greatest extent possible.

·        Parents have access to their child records at any time.

·        Written consent of a parent is required prior to the release of personally identifiable information to third parties. A release of information form is to be used.

·        A child file is never to leave the premises of the Child’s Paradise Daycare Centre.

Staff, Parents and all Visitors to the Centre are to keep the confidentiality of the families, children and events at the Centre intact always. Discretion is to be used always when dealing with confidential information, or when dealing with parents regarding their children. When possible, this information should be discussed in a private area, such as the Staff Room or the Office within the Centre.