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Supervision of Volunteers and Placement Students

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 At times throughout each year, the Centre may approve the placement of students in any or all the programs. This placement could be a one-hour placement or up to eight weeks. It is a great learning opportunity for the children, the students, and the staff. This is one of many ways that the student acquires new ideas and skills. At times, the student will be observing a child and recording his/her actions and reactions. The purpose is to help the student learn the various observation and documentation techniques that they will use when they are in the field. Child’s Paradise does not permit students to supervise children independently. Only paid employees will have direct unsupervised access to children. Volunteers and Placement Students are not counted in staffing ratios. The Childcare Supervisor will ensure that Volunteers and Placement Students provide a clear vulnerable sector check if over the age of 18 and will review Centre Policies and Procedures prior to placement and annually thereafter. All Volunteers and Students will review and sign-off on Centre Policies and Procedures, stating that they have read and understood. Staff within the Program Rooms will ensure that Volunteers and Students are not left unsupervised with the children.