Putting Together Parts of a Snowman
Putting Together Parts of a Snowman
Program Statement
Health Policy
Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
Daily Schedule
Activity Plan
Sample Menu

Parent Involvement

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Download: Microsoft Word - Childs Paradise Day Care Centre Parent Handbook.pdf
Child's Paradise Day Care Centre Parent Handbook
File Name: Microsoft Word - Childs Paradise Day Care Centre Parent Handbook.pdf
File Type: application/pdf
File Size: 138.28 kb

We operate with an Open Communication Philosophy to provide a family environment.  Parents are welcome to visit the Centre at any time and in any location where their child will be receiving care. Please:

ü  respect nap times so that children are not disturbed.

ü  take an active part in your child’s care. Whether chaperoning on field trips or offering suggestions for crafts, snacks, reading, math, science, or whatever, your input is invaluable. It also shows your child that you want to be a part of their world.

ü  inform staff of relevant information to better understand and care for your child.

ü  read our monthly newsletters, menu, activity plans, and whiteboards, and posted documentation throughout the Centre.

ü  check the website and/or Facebook Page regularly for new pictures and information.

ü  attend Parent Special Events and meetings.


The staff at Child’s Paradise Day Care Centre will openly communicate with you regarding your child and the events of the day on a regular basis. We use a Parent Messaging and Communication App that parents are required to download to receive and send messages throughout the day. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or to discuss any concerns you may have.